Central Ordnance Depot (COD) Havelian & Khanewal Jobs


Latest Jobs in Central Ordnance Depot (COD) Havelian & Khanewal August 2020

Central Ordnance Depot located in Haverlian & Khanewal Requires the following staff in their area of working

Central Ordnance Depot (COD) Havelian

  • LDC
  • Store Man
  • CMD
  • Carpenter
  • Painter
  • USM Labour
  • Sanitary Worker

Central Ordnance Depot (COD) Khaewal

General Term and Conditions:                                         

  1. Last Date to Submit applications:- COD Havelian: 15 days after advertisement & for COD Khanewal: 21 August 2020
  2. Applicant will forward their application alongwith Domicile, 2 x passport size photograph, Qualification Certificates (attested) & mobile number addressed to Commandant Central Ordnance Depot
  3. Government servant will forwarded their application through proper channel.
  4. Age limit for all vacancies is 18-30 years including 5 years general relaxation, Ex serviceman will be given age relaxation as per rules.
  5. Quota for disable persons is reserved as per rules.
  6. No TA/DA is admissible.
  7. Test qualified candidates will bring original academic certificates while coming for interview.
  8. Short listed candidates will be called for Test/interview.
  9. Candidates reporting after 10:00 hours will not be allowed to enter. Late comers will not be entertained.


  1. Commandant Central Ordnance Depot (COD) Havelian
  2. Commandant Central Ordnance Depot (COD) Khanewal


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